How to create a spa experience at Home

Aloe Vera is known for it’s medicinal properties like improving digestion and immunity but it also plays a major role in maintaining a healthy skin plus it can also be used for your hair but today’s main focus is the skin.

If you have been following me on my Instagram you noticed how much my skin has been improving with time and today on the blog I am going to share with you one of the products that has been contributing to the glow which is the ALOE VERA FACIAL MASK.

I have been using this aloe Vera mask for 2 months now and it has been doing wonders for my skin that I want to share with you another thing you also need to know is that you can make your own DIY ALOE VERA MASK which i will also share in this blog.

the affordable facial mask you need to try
source :pixabay

What is the Aloe Vera first?

Before we dive into all the benefits of this magical plant let’s talk about the Aloe Vera in few words.

The aloe Vera plant is made of 3 layers the outer layer the one we see on the outside which also has thorns, the inner part which is made of a gel that contains water and other substances like enzymes, vitamins and minerals that are known for their health benefits, the middle layer called the latex which is made of a yellow liquid that can cause allergies to some people that is why it is highly advised to use the gel only.

the aloe vera gel that plays a big role in skin glow - Styled by France
source: pixabay

After having the basic information on what the aloe Vera gel is and what is made for, here is how you can make your own DIY aloe Vera mask or buy one from local stores like AMI BODY ORGANICS if you are not into making your own ( they are located in Kigali):

  • First have your aloe Vera plant ( you can grow your own at your place)
  • Cut one leaf with the help of a knife and use a spoon to extract the gel from the leaf ( which is the part we highly need for our skin)
  • After put the gel in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days et voila you can use it.

With the aloe gel you can make different mask that play different roles by mixing the gel wit different products like honey, vitamin E, turmeric, sugar depending on what you want to achieve with the mask.


The aloe Vera gel is know for it’s many skin benefits like :

  • REDUCING INFLAMMATION AND SUNBURN : Aloe Vera is known for it’s anti inflammatory properties due to the antioxidants like ALOIN found in the gel that provide protective barrier for the skin which soothe pain, minimize redness and promote the healing process.
  • FIGHTS ACNE AND BREAKOUT: The aloe Vera gel is known for fighting bacterial build up on the skin which prevents breakout and acne.
  • MOISTURIZE AND HYDRATE THE SKIN: The aloe Vera gel is very hydrating because it is 99% made of water also the glycoproteins and antioxidants found in the gel also help the skin maintain the moisture. This property makes it a great product that you can use after shaving or waxing( it moisturize the skin after shaving and boost the healing).
  • FIGHT SKIN AGEING AND WRINKLES: If you want to keep your youthful face the aloe Vera gel should be your go to product thanks to its anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties it fight against ageing and reduce fine lines, hope I gave you more reasons to get yourself an aloe Vera face mask.


Affordable Aloe Vera Face mask - Styled by France
Aloe Vera Face Mask

If you are too lazy to get yourself an aloe Vera plant like me you can still use an aloe Vera face mask, I got mine from a shop in town I will link their contact down below.

This mask is made of 30 ml Aloe Vera gel that you only use once and it leaves your skin fresh, hydrated and renewed, I got this one for only 1000 Rwf ($1)and that’s quiet affordable for something you use once a week.


Here are some simple steps you can follow to apply it:

  1. EXOFOLIATE YOUR FACE FIRST : the first important step is to use this product on a VERY clean face which helps the product to be well absorbed and the best way is to first exfoliate your face to remove all the dirt, you can use any exfoliator but for me I use my DIY sugar scrub which does an amazing job and it is very affordable ( check it here).
  2. Apply on a dump skin : After washing your face apply the mask directly on the dump skin, this will also allow the product to deeply penetrate the skin and also make sure you cover your whole face except the eyes and mouth. Another thing I love to do is to apply the extra gel in the package on my neck and all over the mask to maximize the hydration.
  3. LET IT SINK IN FOR 15 MINUTES: Now that the mask is on , let it do it’s magic for 15 minutes and remove it. When the mask is on it gives a fresh and hydrating feeling as if you are applying an ice cube on your face, you feel it get into the skin which leaves it super moisturized, soft and brightened .
  4. Don’t wash your face instead apply a moisturizer: Don’t wash your face after you remove the mask because you will be removing all the magic instead apply a moisturizer to lock in all the hydration and the moisture, the mask leave your skin hydrated and super moisturized et voila.

P.S: Another important thing you need to know is that washing your face is fundamental for some type of face mask , if you are for example using a clay mask it is important to wash it off and then go in with a moisturizer but if its’ a sheet mask or any other mask that doesn’t stain your face you don’t have too.

When it comes to moisturizing you don’t skip this step no matter the type of mask you use because some face masks they leave your skin dry so you need a strong moisturizer to moisturize and hydrate your skin.

A Face mask you need to try- STYLED BY FRANCE

Would i recommend this mask?

Yes i would 100% recommend this mask because it does the job and it’s very affordable. It is only 1k and you can apply it once or twice a week depending on what you like, I personally use it once a week to restore that moisture and hydration. I love how it leaves the skin super smooth and moisturized so if you have been struggling with a dry skin this can help you. Check my Instagram here to find the number where i get my masks ( ig : vivian_marie_france)

Plus this mask is made of 99% aloe Vera gel and when you use you also get all the aloe Vera gel benefits listed above so if you can’t make your own gel get yourself this one at a very affordable price.

Those were my tips for a healthy, hydrated and glowing skin is there anything you want to know , please feel free to reach out in the comment section and i will be to help, see you in another blog xoxo.

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