There is a lot of misconception when it comes to menstrual cycle and some women don’t even know the difference between their periods and their menstrual cycle, did you even know it was different? I even added the term period in my title to make it more obvious to you that I was talking about menstruations.

Today on the blog we are going to talk about everything you need to know about menstrual cycle and I am going to make it easier for you guys with less medical terms and more information, so let’s jump into the blog.

To Start What is Menstrual Cycle?

A menstrual cycle is a term used to describe the sequence of events that occur within a woman’s body as it prepares for the possibility of pregnancy each month. from Cleveland clinic.

Your menstrual cycle start the first day you see your menstruation (your periods) and end when the next periods starts, so whenever you see your periods you mark that day as the first day of your cycle and the last day of your previous cycle.

The menstrual cycle is made of 4 phases which are menstruation , follicular , ovulation and luteal phase and I am going to explain them in simple and easy ways, I know I promised less medical terms but let me include some few and important ones you should know as a woman.

A normal menstrual cycle range between 28 and 40 days according to NHS UK , so if your periods comes between day 21 and 40 consider that normal but if it is above or below these days make sure you go to see your doctor.

  • THE MENSTRUATION PHASE : Which is the first phase of your circle starts when you first see your blood or periods , what is actually happening in your body is that your uterus lining is shading because there was no pregnancy.
  • The follicular phase : This phase happen after menstruation from day 6 to 14, in this phase the uterus lining is growing again getting ready for the next possible pregnancy. Here we have a high level of estrogen and another hormone called Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which helps in the development of the egg ( the ovum).
  • Ovulation phase: which happens when the egg is realized and it is waiting for the sperm so that pregnancy can occur. This is a very critical stage of your cycle and it is very important to be aware and know the signs and symptoms of your ovulation because when you have sex in this period you have high chances of becoming pregnant so sis be aware. This phase start from day 12 to 14 or after. There is so much I can say about ovulation and I think I will do a whole video about it.
  • Luteal Phase: When the pregnancy doesn’t occur your body starts to get ready for your next period and that is the luteal phase, a lot of things happen but I don’t want to confuse you with the terms but just know this is the phase before your next periods.

You don’t have to know all the medical terms but one thing you need to memorize is your first day of your period that is when your cycle starts and start counting from there when you can’t technology made it easier for you . There are so many apps that can help you with counting including FLO ( my favorite) it helps you counting and provide all the basic information you need to know about menstrual cycle .

Another thing you need to know is that between 12 -16 days you are in your ovulation window so make sure to be super careful if you don’t want to be pregnant and that is it. some people love to ask me but how do I know that I am ovulating without even counting ? Simple sis, they are some signs you need to watch for like tender breast, high sex drive, very clear and watery vaginal discharge those are signs that can indicate if you may be in your ovulation.

Is there any difference between menstrual cycle and your periods ?

Actually your periods are part of your menstrual cycle and it is the first phase of your circle just to say whenever you see your periods just know you have started a new cycle. Having your periods is very normal and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.

There are signs that come before your periods and they are called Pre menstrual signs or PMS if you are very attentive these signs may help you track if you are close to have your periods or not. Your PMS can be bloating, tender breasts, mood swings, backache, cramps some even experience diarrhea or constipation, some may even feel more tired than usual etc… If you start listening to your body more attentively you will get to know your own PMS.

Your periods normally last for 5 to 7 days if they go beyond that i highly suggest to go to the doctor to see if there is nothing wrong, your periods may also be painful but if if the pain is unbearable and persistent i will also suggest seeing a doctor they may be something behind.

These are some basic and common things you need to know about menstruation is there anything i left out let me know in the comment section.

I was so happy to share with you basic information about menstrual cycle if you would like me to other blogs let me know in the comment section, see you next time.xoxo

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