Today i am sharing my 5 secrets that i used to grow healthy natural hair. Since i took my braids out i have been receiving a lot of compliments and questions on how i managed to grow my hair. Sincerely speaking i was also surprised cause i didn’t add anything to my hair i just tried some few things here and there that i am going to share with you in the blog and i hope they will be helpful to you.
But before we jump into the blog make sure to read other related blogs here:
CANTU SHEA BUTTER LEAVE IN CONDITIONER REVIEW : cantu-shea-butter-leave-in-conditioning-repair-cream-review-the-hair-product-you-definitely-need-to-try
AVOCADO HAIR MASK MUST TRY: avocado-hair-mask-that-will-change-your-life
5 SECRETS TO GROW HAIR : 5-secrets-to-grow-healthy-hair
RICE WATER TO GROW YOUR HAIR : rice-water-hair-growth-styledbyfrance
I am not a pro when it comes to hair but throughout the experience I have been learning a lot and you know how much i love to share . To be honest there is no magical or particular thing I did or added to my hair for growth instead i made some few adjustment to my hair routine and I think they contributed a lot to the growth so in this blog I am going to share some with you.

You want to join the natural gang ? If yes doing your research must be your bestfriend. Be open to learn and try new things. Everything i know is due to research so start doing your own research, start with basic things like knowing your hair type, starter kit for natural hair etc… The more you learn the more you enjoy the journey.
Some people find it hard to have and maintain natural hair but it is not that hard when you are committed and have all the information and tools.

The products you use can either help or destroy your hair, this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way. In the past I used to apply any product which sometimes ended up damaging my hair but now I am being more careful on what I put on my hair. This applies to all the products starting from the shampoo to the type of oils i put on my scalp. This is very important if you want to grow healthy hair.
For example I no longer use made in Rwanda shampoo they weren’t doing the thing I switched to a very affordable shampoo that does wonders keep reading this blog to know more about this product. Before buying any product make sure you read and watch reviews , there are so many information on the internet so use them.
I made the research work easy for you here are some brands that I used/ still use that I highly recommend :
- CANTU BEAUTY : is one of the first products I tried when I transitioned to natural hair, so far so good I never had a complain about their products and I highly recommend this brand . You can get them at your local super market or buy them online , click on the links and picture below to get yourself one. I also love that they have different products for different hair tips and style you want to create so as I said in the first tip do your research and get to understand what your hair needs.
- ORS : is also another affordable and accessible brand that I highly recommend, I have used their sprays and oils and let me tell you: it does what it supposed to do and you can get them anywhere. They have products for natural and relaxed hair so make sure you check them out or buy from the links and widget in this blog.
- TCB NATURALS: this is a Kenyan brand that i tried next year and babes i loved their anti dandruff spray and i highly recommend this brand. Not only their products are amazing they are also available on the market you don’t have to buy them online you can find them in your local markets.
- THE EVERYDAY SHAMPOO : I tried to find this shampoo on the internet and it was hard but sis let me tell you about this product. First of all it is not expensive it costs around $3 at SIMBA SUPER MARKET, it defines your curls, smells nice and does the job. Since I started using it my hair has been so nice and soft after the hair wash so i highly recommend you to give it a try.
Watch my HAIR WASH ROUTINE VIDEO to see all the products i use, click here.
I think this applies to my Rwandan community, remember those APRES SHAMPOO we use after washing our hair ?? Those yellow ones , remember ? Well they are not that effective enough when you rinse them off immediately. To be honest I even stopped using them instead I apply my shampoo first and then go with my Cantu leave in conditioner and i swear this has made my hair routine more easier and effective.
This is something i noticed not long ago and I was like where was I all this time ???? My cousin warned me about this particular tip and I didn’t listen because I remember growing up I used to go the saloon for my hair wash routine and every time they applied a conditioner after shampooing your hair they would rinse it off directly, I grew up thinking it was how it was supposed to be done and then watching tutorials I saw that most of the hair gurus used the leave in conditioner that stayed in for so long so I tested to see if it was effective and guess what? It is.
What the conditioner does is to moisturize your hair after a good hair wash experience. So please make sure you use a good leave in conditioner like the Cantu shea butter leave in conditioner, this is the one i tested so far if you have any that you would love me to try let me know In the comment section.

Using a hair mask is the best decision I ever took , there is may different hair masks out there but the one I personally use is an avocado hair mask thanks to my mum ( she contributes a lot to my hair journey), I did a whole blog about this mask and what it does but in short words this mask has so many nutrients that your hair needs and also play a major role in defining your curls, if that is something you want to try please try this mask.
Just as you take care of your skin by doing your 5 step routine, your mask and exfoliation do the same for your hair, your hair needs love and attention just as your skin. The more you care about your hair the more it grows.

This is a game changer: SIS STOP MANIPULATING YOUR HAIR ALL THE TIME , LET IT BREATH!! I know it feels so nice to change hairstyles and look different all the time but listen if you really really need your hair to grow stop manipulating it too much. Let m share my story :
In the past i couldn’t handle having my braids for more than 2 months , every 2 months i changed my hair, went to the saloon tried style here and there so one day watching this video they suggested that we should stop manipulating our hair i tried and it worked. Sis let me tell you the moment i let my hair do its own thing everything changed so stop manipulating your hair too much.
This applies to people touching your hair, I don’t know about you but I don’t like people touching my hair that is why i stopped going to the saloon cause i felt like nobody understood my hair like I did. Whenever i went to the saloon i felt like they were pulling and combing my hair not gently as i would have done it and I hate being the lady who tell people what to do so i started learning how to do my own hair because i understood my hair better than everyone else so I suggest you start learning and understanding your hair, this going to be a game changer.
If you are not comfortable doing your hair or simply don’t like it ( which is completely okay ) look for a hair dresser that you trust because when your hair get in the wrong hands you will bet the only one suffering the consequences.
Those are my simple and easy tips you can add to your everyday routine and they are going to contribute to your hair growth journey big time so please take notes and stay tuned for the next blog xoxo.
That’s really interesting I learned new tips that I should apply and see if it works on my end. But I do have question about the conditioner how much time should I wait before rincing off
It depends on the type of conditioner. There are leave in conidtioner that you don’t have to rinse off there are other that you ll have to wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour make sure you read the instructions on the product before you apply it. Thank you