I am a big believer that we can all change and grow , we can all recreate ourselves and become better than who we were yesterday. Growth is a process that never ends just like healing you have to go through certain things that break and make you at the same time so as I grow I enjoy taking you a long and today on the blog I am going to share with you 3 things that I have started doing this year that are really contributing to my personal growth.
Here are some other personal growth blog to check out :
- How to maintain a life of self control : how-to-maintain-a-life-of-self-control
- How to set SMART goals :how-to-set-goals-for-the-new-year-5-easy-steps-to-try-now/
- How to deal with stress at work :5 -ways-to-deal-with-stress-at-your-work-place/
I am now part of the 5AM club and i have been loving it so far, i started waking up at 5am in January and to be honest it is very hard for me because i normally love my bed so much but this is the change that i had to do because i realized that when i wakeup late i tend to do few things or even nothing during the day but when I wakeup earlier I have so many hours during the day to achieve so many things.
Waking up at 5am also allowed me to workout everyday in the morning which i love, i no longer have excuses like I got home late or it is raining I am not working out NOOO that is in the past now . In the morning I have too many hours to workout, pray , do my devotion , shoot content if i have to and get ready for work.
Another thing i realized is that not only i am very energized during the day but i also feel happy and more in control of my day when i wake up earlier so please try it !!
This is part of my main goals this year, I want to read at least one book each week and this new trick ignited my old passion of reading that I had when i was high school, i used to read so many books. I remember i read all the Harry potter books in a short period of time but as i grew up there were so many distractions like social media and i lost my little passion but now it is back and better.
I have started reading again last year but due to my busy schedule i always ended up reading one book for months so this year i decided to set different hours daily for my reading sessions i now read 1 chapter during lunch break and 2 before bed.
Here are the benefits of reading books :
- I get to spend my time wisely : we tend to spend so much time doing irrelevant things , as a person that strive for growth i am intentional with everything and how i spend my time. Instead of scrolling on Instagram i read something that i can learn from or help me relax when i am stressed.
- You learn a lot of new things through reading : it doesn’t matter if you are reading a self development book or a novel there is one thing or two you can learn from any of them, it can be a new vocabulary, new culture, anything so reading is really that thing.
- It opens up your mindset : the more you read the more you get exposed to new things , from reading that’s where i got my passion from writing, it also can ignite your creative side so make sure you read at least one book per week, they are even times i read 2 books, it’s insane yeah and i am loving this.
In this new era we are always on the go , there is this pressure that you need to make money every second if you are not at your 9-5 job you need to have a side hustle going which is totally okay, hustling is okay but you also need to rest. Your body and mind need to rest so prioritize that !! I will never stop preaching about rest.
As a creator there are times where we hit a creating block and you feel like you ran out of ideas and most of the time is due to overworking so sis make sure you rest , take one day of sleep, read, meditate and just BREATH !!
What’s the point of making money if you are not going to enjoy it ??? The key here is to work strategically by making plans , allowing other people to help you , sleep at least 6 to 8 hours and just remember to take care of yourself through the hustle and bustle even if it is one hour per day, you deserve that little break. Something i had to learn the hard way.
Those are my 3 tips to personal growth that really helped me stay grounded this year, which one is your favorite or what advice can you give to someone who wants to grow ? Let us know in the comment section below. See you next time in another blog xoxo !!