Have you been struggling with growing your hair ?
Today on the blog i am sharing with you my 5 top secrets on how i grew my hair.
I have been receiving a lot of compliments and question regarding my hair and that is what inspired me to work on this blog post.
I am not a hair expert in fact i am a newbie to this but i feel like my experience can help a lot of you that are struggling with growing healthy hair.
My hair Journey
Before i share with you my little secrets,Let’s start from the beginning.
I started growing my hair back in 2014 when i finished high school, my hair grew up so fast and i was loving my long relaxed hair till they stopped growing in 2017.

In 2017 my hair stopped growing, i tried everything to see if there was a change but NO my hair was stuck, i kept pushing till i decided to transition to natural hair last year.

Growing up i didn’t like my natural hair all i wanted was soft relaxed hair that was easy to comb , i never thought of myself having natural hair till i started seeing beautiful melanin queen on IG rocking their afro.
My mum also inspired me to transition to natural hair, she has beautiful and smooth hair and i was like why not ?? She is also a part of my successful hair journey, i am really thankful to have her in my life.
When i first transitioned to natural hair the relaxed ends of my hair were not easy to take care of , the roots ( hair growing from my scalp ) were very healthy but the end of my hair were damaged.
I reached a point where i felt like it was enough and it is when i cut all the relaxed hair and remained with my natural afro during quarantine.

It was a very difficult decision for me , i was so scared and i was asking myself questions like what if my hair don’t grow back again ? What if i can’t take care f my hair properly?

I also heard that growing natural hair was very hard and required a lot of money but i was ready to take the risk, i was so confident in myself and i thank GOD that my plans didn’t fail.
During this journey that i started i learned a lot of stuff and seeing questions daily about my hair i felt like sharing so i hope this blog will help you.
The tips i am going to share with you can be applied to natural and relaxed hair.
This one of the most important thing when you are trying to grow your hair in a healthy way.
When you don’t have protective hairstyle make sure you wash your hair once week or twice if you can.
Back in the days i used to wash my hair once in 2 or 4 weeks , i used to have a lot of dandruff and my scalp was always itchy but i didn’t wash my hair more often cause people used to say it wasn’t good for the hair.
Going to the saloon i used to hear stories like if you wash your hair more often it will not grow, don’t do it to your hair.
Washing your hair instead helps your hair grow. Hair can’t grow from a dirty and unhealthy scalp.
Make sure you wash your hair, massage your scalp once a week.
I personally wash my hair once a week when i don’t have my braids and when i have them i make sure i clean my scalp using a cotton dumped in shampoo.
On this washing hair part be careful with the shampoo you use , make sure you use moistuirzing shampoo i highly recommend shampoo from CANTU BEAUTY.
If you can’t afford it you can use SHINE HAIR SHAMPOO it is a made in Rwanda brand i started using last year well it works for me and affordable.
While washing your hair make sure that you remove all the dirty don’t just apply your shampoo once and think you are done , keep washing until you are sure there is no dirt left.
If you are struggling with dandruff like i used to i highly recommend you use KETO PLUS you can find it in your local pharmacy, this shampoo does the job and it helped me fight the dandruff that were having the best of me.

When using KETO PLUS SHAMPOO for your dandruff treatment i suggest you first apply your regular shampoo to remove the dirty and then apply this KETO PLUS SHAMPOO and massage your scalp for 5 minutes and rinse.
After that you can apply your conditioner it makes your hair smooth.
There is a lot of tricks when it comes to washing your hair but those are the basics one if you want to have healthy hair.
I have seen that most people loving moisturizing their scalp only , if you do this also STOP !!!
Black women we tend to have dry hair when you don’t moisturize your hair it tends to dry and break and that is when it start falling off.
I know the scalp needs to be moisturized but your hair need the moisture too.
After washing your hair make sure you apply a deep leave in conditioner and moisturizer for your scalp and hair ends.
I use CANTU LEAVE IN CONDITIONER and JOJOBA OIL to moisturize the scalp and hair ends, your girl is very extra after that i apply a little bit of olive oil for deep moisture.
Make sure you hair never run out of moisturizer keep your hair moistuirzed.

This one of my favorite hair growth secret , have you ever tried this trick ???
If you didn’t then you are missing out. Rice water have been helping me grow my hair since last year.
When i chopped my hair back in Quarantine i started using rice water weekly and i am pretty sure it contributed to my quick hair growth.
If you want to know more about this trick click styledbyfrance.com/rice-water-hair-growth-styledbyfrance to read.
If you want to grow your hair fast and in a healthy way be gentle with your hair.
Stop putting too much pressure on your hair and manipulating it so much.
Treat your hair with kindness and love if you want it to grow, i believe that when you manipulate your hair so much it affects the way it grows i have seen this in the past.
When you don’t have your braids , you can wash your hair and do small twist and let it be, don’t keep touching your hair , brushing it too hard , flat ironing daily, curl and brush it daily. Treat you hair gently.
I have a big afro and sometimes it is so hard for me to comb it and i end up messing it up.
I suggest you comb your hair in small section gently if you don’t want to cause hair fallout.
Treat your hair with love and care and i swear you will see a big change.

Last and most important secret to grow healthy hair is taking care of yourself.
When you take care of yourself , eat healthy and exercise it also affect your hair growth.
Drink lots of water, eat a balanced diet and lots of fruits , take care of your mental health and i swear you will see a big change in your hair growth.
Those are my top 5 secrets gto grow your hair , if you want me to do another hair blog let me know.
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[…] HOW TO GROW YOUR HAIR: 5-secrets-to-grow-healthy-hair […]