Hello beauty gang ! it’s been a while since i shared a hair blog and girl i have been exploring with my hair and today I am sharing my experience. Today we are reviewing the amazing hair butter from a brand called BY MARLYNN and if you are interested in anything healthy natural hair or you want to have smooth , shine and healthy hair make sure you read this blog till the end.
But before we dive into the blog let me give you an update on my hair journey :
Yes you read that correctly , in August 2023 I decided to dye my hair and was I scared ? A 100% but I did it anyway.
As a naturalista I was discouraged that my hair will suffer because that is the only thing i heard like your hair will start falling out and stop growing but I still went for it because I believe that when you take a good care of your hair it never fails you so yeah that is the first update i dyed my hair now i am part of the ginger/ blondy community. YAY !!!!
If you want more videos and blogs about my dyed hair journey let me know in the comment section DOWN BELOW.
Now that my hair is all dyed up my hair routine changed a lot , now it is made of more moisturizing and less manipulating. You can check my old hair care here.
When your hair is dyed it tends to be super dry so you have to super and duper moisturize if you don’t want your hair to break so that’s where the hair butter comes in. To be honest I never cared so much about moisturizing my hair and whenever I did it would be my scalp only (which is also important very important !!!) but now I have been more keen with moisturizing both parts ( the ends and the roots) and my hair are thanking me for it.
Now let’s get into the review.
I love sharing the story of the brand behind the product because i am very intentional with everything and i believe that the story makes the product even more special and interesting.
BY MARLYNN is a Rwandan based hair brand created in 2021 , they make hair care products for longer, healthy and thicker hair made from clean and plant based ingredients with the motto ” healthy hair the herbal way.” They are available at OWN IT in Kigali, Tanzania , USA , Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
Their products range from bar soaps, hair oils, butters, leave in conditioners and hydrating rose water mist.
I got to know this brand through Instagram and if you have been reading my reviews and blog you know my love and hate relationship with made in Rwanda brands and through it all i still believe in Rwandan brands and whenever i see a new brand on my fyp i always try it out and whenever i love it i always share because first i have to always put you on and second of all we have to support one another, so if you know any other Made in Rwanda brand i need to try let me know in the comment section.

let’s start with a common understanding what hair butter is?
Hair butter is a natural blend of butters and organic oils that acts as moisturizing sealer that ultimately protects your hair from dryness and breakage .
source : By Marlynn Instagram page
Whenever you use hair butter your hair get all the nutrients from oils and butter and it leads to having beautiful , strong and healthy hair.

In this hair butter by Marlynn it is made by clove and chebe , cloves are known for containing high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that can add to the growth and strength of your hair. They can be used for protecting the scalp from dandruff, which is actually a major cause of weak and thin hair. They also contain anti-inflammatory agents which further help in hair thickening. Not only cloves are good for your hair but they are good for you overall health it can be used for spicing , creating perfumes and other things.
Chebe provides rich moisturization by helping the hair stay moisturized by nourishing, hydrating and improving moisture retention in the hair strands. If you have dry hair that tends to break a lot this hair butter is key.

The By Marlynn hair butter comes in a 250 ml container that is recyclable and travel size friendly. My favorite part about this product is that inside the top cover you find another cover that can prevent the product to pull out when moving around it’s like a seal that keep the product inside the container.
For the packaging i give a 10/10 it gives minimal but also very intentional due to the fact it is recyclable. Another point i love about the packaging is that you can find the instructions on how to use this hair butter on the container if you are this kind of person that loves reading instructions just like me it’s a BIG YES.
As i mentioned in the above section the main ingredients found in this hair butter are clove and chebe but it also contains vitamin E, Aloea europaea (oli) fruit oil, avocado oil ( also known to be a good hair nutrient ) you can check my DIY avocado hair mask here.
This hair butter contains some of the best oils and nutrients your hair needs to grow healthier so for the ingredients it is a 8/10 cause i feel like it could have been top tier if it had also castor oil to boost that hair growth and have an all in one hair butter.
According to my experience there are 3 different ways you can use this hair butter:
- LIKE A LEAVE IN CONDITIONER : After washing your hair apply a generous amount on your hair strands and twist them to allow the product to get absorbed and then you can untwist your hair when you are going to style them and let me tell you your hair will feel smooth and light after this treatment.
- YOU CAN USE THIS BUTTER TO TWIST YOUR HAIR : This tip worked amazing before i dyed my hair , i no longer needed my Cantu leave in conditioner because this butter did amazing but for my dyed hair it is a different story maybe due to how my hair being dry recently maybe next time i will try another technique and see.
- USE IT AS A HAIR MOISTURIZER : As i mentioned in the above section the best role of this hair butter is to moisturize so apply a little amount from top to end and massage it in your hair for a more shiny and moisturized look.
For the effectiveness i will give it a big 10/10 , it was my first time using a hair butter and i was impressed and the thing i loved the most about this product is that it can be used in so many different ways and nourish your hair at the same time ( we love a multi purpose product).
a 100% recommend this hair butter and i am going to try other products from this brand and let you know what i think , tell me are you willing to try this hair butter? Let me know in the comment section and see you in another blog. xoxo