In today’s blog for women empowerment/ lifestyle section I am talking about few tips that can help you feel sexier, wanted and loved in your own body.
Feeling sexier for me is very important because it is a way of embracing yourself and showing it, it has nothing to do with sexualizing yourself to others. It is more about having a feminine aura that attract people to you.
I have been wanting to do this blog for a long time but didn’t have the courage to do it because i know there is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to be or feel sexy , but now that i have the courage to do it please make sure you read the whole blog and let me know what you think in the comment section.

I hope also that the end of this blog you will get a different perspective of the word SEXY.
When i started my blog my main goal was to use my story/ experiences to inspire fellow women to love themselves a little bit more , embrace who they were created to be and i hope that each blog help you grow in one way or another.
While you are here remember to subscribe to my mail list at the end of the blog, would love to grow my MAIL LIST GANG !!!
You all know that every time I learn something new I am ready to share them with you.
You guys have been with me from the beginning of my self love journey and now I am sharing with you how to be sexy in your own body.
If you are new here you can check some of my blogs here :
HOW TO BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE : http://styledbyfrance.com/4-ways-to-build-up-your-confidence/
There is so many definition of sexy on the internet but my favorites are ” very exciting or appealing ” and ” sexually attractive or exciting”.
Another one is “sexy is about feeling beautiful and powerful.”
For me when i think of SEXY i think about a beautiful, confident lady that feels good in her own skin. It is more about being more confident in yourself and showing that on the outside through what you wear, how you walk , how you express yourself.
After building your confidence you need to spice it up and bring to life your feminine and confident side and that is what were going to see in this blog.
We all deserve to feel sexy and desired in our own bodies and it has nothing to do with what most people think.
After working on my inner confidence , I wanted to work on my physical appearance and be more feminine, i wanted to step out of my comfort zone and bring to life the woman in my dreams.
Here are some tips that i know will you help you reach this level of confidence and makes you feel sexy in your own body.

As i always say in my blogs all the things start with YOU, if you want to feel sexy and more confident in yourself you must start believing that you are sexy.
Look at yourself and admire yourself, learn to accept who God created you to be.
listen God didn’t make a mistake creating you so don’t hate yourself.
So the first step to feel sexy in your own body is to first love yourself. Self love is the KEY TO EVERYTHING, i will keep saying this over and over again till you understand that self love is all that you need.
In the process of being more confident in yourself start by admiring and loving the person you see in the mirror, this what i personally do.
Every morning before i take a shower i take time to look at myself in the mirror and say THANK YOU , i thank GOD for how he created me because he didn’t make a mistake, he made me this way for a reason and i thank him for that.
Every time i thank God for the way he created me i fall in love with myself over and over again.
This a method that can help you build that confidence inside of you, make sure to also to use daily affirmation it help with self love.
Being sexy requires working on your whole self starting from your mental status, physical and emotional health.
Your mental health is the source of everything, if mentally you don’t believe in yourself that is the output you are going to give. Start by working on your mental health.
Avoid negative thinking, stop hating on yourself instead feed your mind with positive thinking, start looking at life from a positive perspective.
Make sure that self-improvement is one of your main goal, this is the basic thing to achieve anything in life. Start by believing that you are SEXY and DESIRED and you are half way there.
Now we have reached my favorite part of the blog.
After loving and being confident in your true self , you need to show that on your outer appearance. If you want to find your sexy side , start by asking yourself, what is my favorite body part ?
Even if you love your whole self ( like me) there is this one part you LOVE SO MUCH, if you don’t know about it ask your friends they may help or try to remember the body part a lot people love complementing you about.
For example: people love to comment on my waist, that is why I love wearing high waisted jeans and skirts.
After knowing your most beautiful body part DRESS IT ! Doing this people will start complementing you a lot and i swear this is going to make you feel so much better about yourself.

I am not encouraging dressing up to catch people’s attention ( which is not bad also ) all i am saying is that if you want to feel more confident and sexy in your own body you must dress like it, wear what makes you feel more beautiful, do it for yourself and it gets a lot better when people complement you.
This is also have much to do with knowing your personal style, if you are struggling with this i am working on a blog post that will be up soon.
Make sure that when choosing an outfit you look for an outfit that compliments you , that makes that beautiful and sexy side of you come out that is how you will make people stop and stare.
If you have long legs go for mini skirt, mini dress, shorts, high waisted pants.
For beautiful small waist, go for high waisted pants and skirt, body hugging clothes.
Look at yourself in the mirror analyse your favorite part and start wearing clothes accordingly.
This a very powerful tool for every lady that wants to bring out her feminine side and feel sexy, if you don’t have a pair of heels make sure you get them.
High heels add a touch of femininity and sexy to your looks no matter what you are wearing. Anoter thing is that when you wear heels even your walk change and becomes more sexier and attractive.
WOMEN IN HIGH HEELS ARE THE BADDEST, even though i am not part of this gang but i am soon transitioning to heels cause sis this is the real tea.
We all have a dream body and I am a big believer that through working out and eating right you can get that body.
If you don’t feel sexy in your actual body it is okay to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT in a healthy way.
Sis start working out !!!!
There so many exercises that works on different body parts so get yourself up and start working out, get that body you want.
Stop hating on yourself and start working for what you want, there is so many videos on YouTube and many fitness coach out here all you need is getting up and work hard .
All the body shapes are beautiful and unique but there is nothing wrong with improving. It is not only about having a beautiful body but also a healthy lifestyle.
If you are looking for ways to be more sexy in your body this is also an option a very good one.
Those are my 5 tips that can help you feel more sexy and desired in your own body.
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