Have you ever had a bad day ? A day when everything is going wrong and you feel so low and wonder what you can do to boost your mood. If you have been there today’s blog post is for you.
Disclaimer : There is no such thing as being happy and positive all the time, we are humans and we have good and bad days and it is okay to not have things all figured out.
Whenever you feel unhappy and not productive don’t feel bad just know that it is okay and normal to have a bad day but make sure you don’t stay in that bad state of mind for long.
Today on the blog i am sharing with you a short blog about 5 ways to instantly feel happier when you are feeling low.
If you want to boost your mood do that one thing that you love, it can either be listening to music, go for a walk, eat or just sleep, do that thing that makes you happy.
For me i love music and writing in my journal, when i don’t have the energy to write i just listen to music, sing and dance and boom i kick out the bad energy.
I recently talked about 10 different ways you can practice self care click here to read.
Overthinking is one of the thing that can kill your mood for the day, i personally think that overthinking can also be a toxic trait if you overthink too much.
I am saying this from personal experience, back in the days i used to overthink, over analyze everything and i always ended up in a very negative state of mind.
So if you want to be happy or start your day in a positive mood avoid overthinking , DON’T .
Another thing that can boost your mood is going for a walk , i also included this in my self care blog.
This one of the thing that really help me when i am having an emotional breakdown. So whenever you feel like you are not feeling well take your headphones and go for a walk.

Self care has been really helping me these days, self care can be anything that makes you happy, you can check my 10 ways of practicing self care here.
Self care doesn’t only boost your mood but it is also a way to get to know yourself, to spend time with yourself and appreciate your own company, so if you don’t make time for some self care please START NOW.
This should have been the first thing on the list, there is no better way to boost your mood than a funny movie.
If you don’t feel like watching any movie TikTok is there for that, try to watch things that take the bad mood away.
Social media can have a positive and a negative impact on your mental health especially Instagram.
People tend to compare their lives to what they see on Instagram and let me tell you those are just pictures and some people fake it for likes never compare yourself to anyone.
Whenever you feel like a given app is draining you it is okay to quit , nobody is going to judge you or laugh at you. If things only make you feel bad about your life JUST LEAVE.
I have noticed that it is very important to take time to unplug from the online world and connect with the real world, don’t get lost in the technology and forget about other things.
Take time off your social media and invest your time in other things that benefit you either mentally or financially.
Those are my 5 ways that can help you feel more happy and boost your mood when you are having a bad DAY.
What do you do to boost your mood when you are having a bad day ? Let me know in the comment section .