The journey to success start with you. In order to get where you want in life you must first believe in yourself and work hard towards your goals.
I can not say that i am one of most successful people in the world.
But i consider myself successful cause i try everyday to reach all my planned goals and that is how i know that i am on the right track of success.
The five things that i am going to share with you are those one that i use in my daily life .
I swear when I started following these simple steps my life has been more easy and determined and I thought this could help anyone in need.
Let’s get started !!!
First thing when you want to be successful you must give your life a purpose and know what you want.
I believe that we are all created for a given reason . We all have a different mission in this world so take your time to know what you want in this life.
Know who you are and it will be easy to determine your mission.
In this process of knowing what you want , you must ask yourself those questions:
- who am I ?
- Who do I want to be ?
- What do I want in life ?
- Which kind of life do I want to live ?
- Am I ready for whatever I am going to face in this kind of new life I want ?
- what is my mission in this life ?
- how am i getting there ?
Those questions will help you understand more about who you are and what you want.
It will help you prioritize and set goals that will help you to live the life you want.
” setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” by Tony Robbins
When you set goals it helps you determine how far you have come and where you are heading.
For me every year I set this one BIG goal that i want to achieve and I also set monthly goals that will help me reach there step by step.
You don’t have to rush into things. Just because you set a goal it does not mean that things are going to be easy .
That is why you must analyse all the things you are going to need to reach that goal.
Sometimes it works for you as you expected sometimes it doesn’t.
But it doesn’t mean you are going to give up because things did not work out as you expected.
Stay focus , be patient and work hard.
“people with goals succeed because they know where they are going ” KEEP IT IN YOUR MIND !!
If you want to be successful then you must know that you need to step out of your comfort zone and show the world your worth and potential .
For example you want to be a model go for it . Do casting, explore and know more about modeling world .
You can not stay in your zone and think that people are going to know that you want to be model.
If you want something GO FOR IT !!! stop feeling scared of failure or judgments.
Failure is a part of success if you fail try again you must know that nothing come easily in this life.
” There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure .”
colin Powell
When people judge you take all these critics and turn them into motivation.
Work hard cause mostly people who criticize you, are the one who envy you .
Who are angry that you are doing better than them and that should not stop you instead it should motivate you to do better and be better .
If there is something that are I am sure that will make you successful is being YOU and true to YOURSELF.
Never try to be someone else to reach a certain level in your life , never copy others to be successful.
People are more attracted to originals more than copies so be YOU and DO YOU .
Believe in yourself and you will be the most successful than those who copy from other.
Another tip that will help you to be successful is being your own competition.
Whatever you do in life make sure that you keep getting better than the person you were yesterday.
If you keep worrying about other people’s bag and success you will end up loosing track of your own goals .
people maybe doing the same business as you but it does not mean that they all have the same goals as you do or going where you are going.
so focus on your goals .
If they are doing better than you it should motivate you to work hard to get where they are and do better than them.
Only focus on your dreams and goals. compete with yourself , break the records that you set when you started.
Sometimes you can get into competition and loose everything trying to do better than somebody else.
In this world there is always going to be competition.
Don’t let that get into your head and make you forget why you are doing what you are doing so be careful.
That s all for today , thank you for your time ,don not forget to like,share,comment and follow me , take care xoxo
#4 is my fave and one I believe whole heartedly! Love it girl.
Thanks girl
Agree with you on all these. Along with persistence and determination, one can do whatever they set their mind to!
Great tips! Thanks for sharing 🙂 #BGCollective
xo Aurora
thank you very much
This entire post is wonderful! I especially love the last point you make in this post on being successful: Being your own competition. This is not talked about enough, and it’s seriously a key piece to being fulfilled, challenging ourselves, and growing. Thanks for sharing!
xx, Morgs*
youare welcome
I love these ideas. Thank you for a great and motivating article!
thank you darling