It is been a while with no fashion blog and it feels so good to be sitting here and writing this beautiful blog and i know that you are going to highly benefit from it.
Today on the blog i am sharing with you 10 fashion essentials you can wear/ use in every season and the best thing is that all the items linked in this blog are below $100 which means they are super affordable. I also did a blog about essentials every girl needs to build her wardrobe click here to read it.
In this blog i tried to place my essentials in 3 different categories to make it easier for you guys ,so let’s dive in.
Iam a big fan of jeans and it is pretty obvious that it is the first item i will share with you, if you need to add some few jeans in your collection amazon has beautiful jeans for you.
I also did a blog post about the type of jeans you need to have click here to read.
This is the first essential you need in your wardrobe which never go out of style, they are stretchy and comfortable. another thing i love about skinny jeans is that you can wear them in every season and they are easy to style.
Another essential jean that you need is a boyfriend jean, girl you need to spice up your wardrobe and this is the perfect item.
In the pas i wasn’t a big fan of ripped jeans but since i got my hands on some boyfriend ripped jeans my perspective changed and i am encouraging you to get yourself at least one.
I have noticed that i don’t have dresses i can wear on a normal day so that is why i am going to share them with you to inspire you to get some if you are like me.
Dresses are very feminine and very easy to style they literally go with everything here some i choose for you.
Shirt dresses have been really killing it recently, these are the type of dresses you can wear on an everyday basis, easy to style and most them are very lightweight which i love.
Tops are like the fundamental element of your wardrobe you can create different looks with the right top, down below i linked some cute essential top every girl should have.
As i said in my previous blog post a white/ black top is very handful while building your wardrobe and creating any look, this is the basic of the basic.
Make sue you got also long sleeves tops for cold season, these pieces never disappoint.
Shoes are slowly becoming my addiction, i have been buying plenty of shoes recently , what is your favorite piece in the wardrobe ? let me know in the comment section.
In the shoe section i am starting with the sneakers because i am a big fan of them, seriously if you don’t have like 3 pairs what are you waiting for ?
Down below i am sharing with you my favorites and they are very affordable.
they are pricey but worthy it, i will try to find a more affordable version and link it in my stories, make sure you follow me on Instagram. @vivian_marie_france
These are the first must have essential you need in your shoe category, sis since i got my hands on these my life changed. They are super comfortable , can be paired with everything, easy to wash, what else can i say ? Girl i love these shoes and if you don’t have pair this is a sign to grab a pair for you and your boo ( because they are unisex in case you are wondering).
Every girl need a pair of white sneakers in her wardrobe not only they are beautiful but very stylish. here some pairs for you.
I just realized that i am a sneaker and heels lady and it is why in my every blog i will encourage you to get yourself a pair of heel, starting from simple heels to outstanding ones.
While shopping some high heels i will suggest that you be careful with the colors you go for, some colors are very hard to style and you end up wearing those like once or twice, if you want a pair of heels you can wear everyday make sure you go for a black or nude/ neutral color because these colors go with everything.
Starting with a pair of black pump heels, every girl needs these because they go with everything, when i say everything better believe me.
After having a pair pumps you also need a pair of sandal heels for a more elegant touch to your look, sis don’t say i didn’t tell you.
As i said in the previous section nude heels go with everything that is why you need a pair of nude heels and i have a perfect pair for you.
I can’t finish this section without mentioning boots, these are very needed in the raining season and i am pretty sure you need a pair now. Down below i linked some for you that are affordable and stylish.
the last but juicy section of this blog is the accessory section , which i am pretty sure you going to love.
Starting the accessory section with handbags because that is the first accessory every girl should have. This beautiful ALDO handbag is beautiful for an everyday wear, this is the type of bag you can take with you at work, church anywhere. It comes in various color and i think a black one would also be great.
A good pair of earrings, rings , bracelets and necklaces can take an outfit from 0 to 10 just like that, one of the reason you should get yourself some cute accessories.
Amazon has some amazing pieces at an affordable price with a good quality as well.
10. HATS
I can’t finish this blog without mentioning hats because they are very essential especially in the cold and sunny season. Down below i linked some for both season.
Those are my 10 Affordable items from fashion Amazon, i love shopping from there and i hope this blgo encourages you to do and i am pretty sure you are going to enjoy the experience if you try.
Is there anything else you want me to cover ? Let me know in the comment section and i will be happy to do so, see you in the next blog. xoxo!!