I am on a journey of a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin and I want to take you with me by sharing with you products that are working for me . My beauty goal this year is “NATURAL ACNE AND SCAR FREE SKIN” which I know it is not going to be easy but I am here for it, please if you know anything that can help me achieve this don’t hesitate to let me know in the comment section.
Today in my beauty section I am reviewing the famous dudu osun black soap which has been helping me a lot with my acne and breakouts, If you have been struggling with acne and breakouts you definitely need to read this blog till the end.
I started using this soap in November 2020 till now and i must say that i have seen improvements. Everything I am going to say in this blog are from my personal experience not from google or your favorite influencer, this is my personal opinion and I hope you find this blog helpful.
Just want to make one thing clear : We all have different skins what may work for me may not work for you and to see results you have to be patient so whenver trying new products be open to all the possibilities.
I also made a blog post about different types skin and undertones and i think this may help you know which product that may work for you.
Before I started using this soap my skin was breaking out a lot , I tried different products , homemade products but nothing was working, my whole face was covered with acne and everyday it was a new breakout and I was hopeless. Back in the days like 2016 – 2018 I used to have a beautiful skin I am not going to lie back then I didn’t have any skincare routine or regime ( I still don’t but planning to work on that lol) but my skin was beautiful just the way it was.
IN 2019 I started trying different products to ameliorate my skin everything was good till I used this one product and everything changed till now. One product disturbed my skin and since then I started having breakouts of all sorts. I tried different products to see any change some worked for one or two days and they stopped I got tired..

Well after trying different products my mum suggested that I should stop putting lotion or new product on my face and see how it goes and she also suggested that I can start by trying a new soap and if it worked I can add a facial oil that worked so I stopped all the lotion and started with dudu osun, this soap was suggested to me from a friend she used it and told me it was effective so I was like why not ? I always wanted to use the natural black soap but I was so broke that time I went for this one ( more cheaper than the ghanian black sop).
I brought this one from Kasha Rwanda ( an online store) it is only 4000 rwf and you have to pay for the transport fee i also figured out you can find it in town ( cartier Mateus) at an affordable price but if you are too lazy for that go for Kasha Rwanda. I started using it in the beginning of November and I am not going to lie I started seeing results in 1 week and I was impressed. When I started using it it was only for my face and I decided to use it on my whole body and I must say I WAS VERY IMPRESSED and I AM STILL IMPRESSED.
So now that you know how i started using the soap let’s get to the reason why you are here: THE REVIEW

It comes in a green small box which is really nice and it is travel friendly, I have seen other black soap that comes in a white box with green flowers on it that’s not the one I use and i don’t know if it is real or fake, the DUDU OSUN i use comes in a green package and i suggest you use this one.

You can find some of the information you want on the package which i love please read the ingredients that makes a product before buying it especially if you have a sensitive skin.
For the packaging I ll give it 10/10 it is cute and nothing extra it is just like any soap and i love the fact it is travel friendly.
Dudu Osun African Black Soap is manufactured completely by hand and is scented with naturally occurring camwood extract to complete a wholesome, organic experience. With Aloe Vera, citrus juices, and organic ash providing a healthy dose of vitamins. The black soap is proven to help restore and revitalize damaged skin and help combat skin conditions like eczema, acne, freckles, and dark spots. Thanks to the combination of shea butter, cocoa pod ash, and palm ash, it is efficient with oil control and works well with all skin types, keeping your skin clog free and fighting against premature facial lines and wrinkles. source : KASHA RWANDA
On the back of the cover you will find all the ingredients that makes this soap if you want more insights on this.
It has a really nice scent which is natural nothing extra, you can also buy from Amazon by clicking on the widgets.
This soap is really effective , you start seeing the results in only 3 days, I use it on my whole body and I shower twice a day so yes this soap really work. P.S : For my face i only use it once a day it can be harsh with your skin if you have a sensitive skin like mine keep this in mind.
I have read other reviews and a lot of say that it can be harsh to skin sometimes so be careful with this and see what works for you best.
You don’t need too much quantity just apply few quantity and you are good to go, I use one soap a month and a half or two months while showering twice a day so this soap really last long.
I tried to divide it’s effectiveness in 3 categories :
- A GOOD CLEANSER: It has a strong cleansing property when you apply it on your skin it removes all the dirt, I compared it with other soap and I realized that it leaves your skin feeling clean and fresh.
- IT STOP NEW BREAKOUTS: Since I started using it, I don’t have new breakouts expect when I am expecting my periods which bring me to it’s second property it stops new breakouts because it remove all the dirt from the skin and we all know that breakout are mostly due to excess waste or oil on your skin, if you want to fight breakouts, acne this is your remedy.
- IT DOESN’T REMOVE SCARS : The third property is that it doesn’t remove acne scars , it is good at stopping new breakout, treating blemishes but it doesn’t remove the scars that’s what I personally noticed. they take too long to fade away.
- REMOVE EXCESS OIL: This soap is also good for people with excess oil on their skin due to it’s cleansing property, when you apply it leaves your skin oil free , it really leave your skin dry so if you have a dry skin I wouldn’t recommend this soap unless you apply a strong moisturizer after.

From my personal experience after the application of this soap your skin feels so dry it is like it drains all the oil from your skin so if you already have an extra dry skin don’t use it unless you have a super moisturizer to apply right after
I would recommend this soap to people with an extra oily skin , combined and normal skin.
I will highly recommend this soap to everyone not only it does all I said above but it leave your skin looking nice and young so why not try it ?
Another reason why you need this soap is that it is a long lasting soap and a travel friendly soap if you are always moving like me, yes baby girl you highly need this soap in your life.
Was this review helpful ? Which product would you like me to review on the blog let me know in the comment section . See you next time beauties xoxo
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