I am a big fan of shopping especially when I am shopping online , not only the service is quick but it also spare me the long lines, bargaining and all the tiring stuff we deal with when we go to the physical store. Today on the blog I am sharing with you 5 online store/ Instagram store that I use and highly recommend if you live in Kigali or are new in the country and you are looking for a plug this blog is for you.
I also made a blog post on tips that can make your shopping experience less tiring and boring you can check it here.
I shopped with so many brands since I started blogging and I must say not every brand met my expectations so I tried to round some that i know you will definitely love.
I selected each brand depending on the quality of the services they offer, delivery, the quality of their products but especially their customer care because to be honest I can’t buy from you if you are mean to your customers. Not to forget that most of the brands featured in this blog are women led ( y’all know how much i root for my sisters) so let’s jump into the blog.
The first brand i ll start with is the Nadi collections ( women led)which is shopping and retail, they have bags, shoes, sunglasses and other accessories. I got 2 bags and 1 pair of shoes from them. One thing i love about this brand is their professionalism which is first putting prices on their products ,listen if you have an online store please include your prices on your products spare us the dm for the price it is looks so unprofessional, they respond to comments and their service super fast when it comes to delivery.

About the quality of their product it’s a 10/10 i can’t complain , I still have their bags and they are still brand new and the other good thing i love about this brand is their pre order service where you can pre order something that you like wait for 10 days and then boom it is at your doorstep. I love this brand and shopping from them is so nice and i am never disappointed.
I told you i love a brand that is nice to their customer Nadi collections 250 respond to comment, repost your stories and they are very nice , i love attention so if you give me that i will come back.
Another instagram store i discovered recently, wow i must say i love this brand what caught my attention is the customer care, they are quick to respond and very patient. I remember first buying from them i asked pictures and videos and they were so nice to respond. Let me tell you some brands on Instagram they don’t respond when even ask them about a simple thing they only answer when you are placing an order which is so wrong. I may not buy from you now but i may recommend you to a friend or buy in the future.

So if you own a brand please be nice to your customer they can make or break your brand anyways let’s go back to own_it .
Own_it is an online store that sells silk bonnet, pyjamas,pillowcases and scrunchies, they operate here in Rwanda and let me tell you i love their products.
P.S: Please get yourself a silk bonnet your hair will thank you later.
The thing that made me fall in love with this brand is customer care as i mentioned in the previous section, the quality of their product is on point and their prices are reasonable.
Their delivery is super fast , i ordered from them twice and i never complained it was fast and effective so it’s 10/10 and i highly recommend them if you are looking for hair accessories.
I can’t finish this blog without mentioning Kasha Rwanda you know my love for this brand is huge and i think they should hire me as brand ambassadors ( let’s manifest this). This is the first online brand ( they also have a website) that i purchased from . Very professional and nice if you have been following me for a while you know (iykyk).
I have so many reason to love them first is their discounts i love brand that helps me save money i bet we all do, they have amazing discount throughout the year so i am always checking also when there is no discount there is a giveaway and most of the time i win them so you can imagine why i love them.
The second thing is their variety in products they have everything ranging from beauty , skincare, baby products, reproductive health product and pharmaceuticals. This brand is amazing!!
Not only their provide all of these products but they also provide information i learned a lot of reproductive matters thanks to kasha , their instagram page is a safe space for women so i highly recommend you follow them on Instagram.
The third thing i love about Kasha is their prices when it comes to contraceptives check their website and you ll thank me later don’t say i didn’t tell you.
This is a 10/10 for me i love this brand everything is amazing , some people complained about the prices and yes some of their products are a little bit pricey ( not all of them ) but for me that’s not an issue as long as i love a brand and they are nice to me they can take all my coins.
Another favorite brand is SHOP NAIL CAST which is amazing if you love press on nails. they sell amazing press on nails if you are busy woman and want a quick manicure this is your plug.
I am not a nail girl but i loved thier press on nails and there is a set that i have been eyeing on for a while so stay tuned for that.
The first thing i love about this brand is their products , their press on nails are strong, with unique design and let me tell you whenever i wear them i feel like a boss babe so not only they are beautiful but i personally think they also boost your confidence.
The second thing is the customer care and it is women led, i love how they respond to comments real quick , interact with the audience and they also share essential tips on how to make maintain your press on nails and i love it i am here for it. Even though i don’t buy from them a lot i learn and there so many people that benefit from what they share.
The third thing that i love about shop nail cast is their discounts code and sales i love saving my coins and with this economy you can get what you want and still save some few coins so it is a yes for me, they love having clearance sales monthy i think and that is why you need to follow them not to miss a thing.
The last thing is their prices which is very reasonable according the quality and how many times you can wear their nails it’s a 10/10 for me.
The last brand i will feature in this blog is GLIM STORE which i also discovered recently and ordered from theim right away. they sell necklaces, bracelets and earrings ( everything jewelry), I think their specialities is customized jewelry which i can’t wait to try. Buying jewelry online was always a struggle for me but I am glad i have another brand i can trust with my money lol.
The first thing i loved was the customer care it was on point , the prices are also reasonable and they were quick with everything i loved buying from them and i am definetly doing it again.
The quality of the products is a 9/10 ( i am being honest with you) it is amazing i tried their gold necklace and earrings i can’t wait to see if it can last for long, next time i will get their silver pieces and compare but so far so good i love them and i recommend them especially if you want customized pieces.
Those are my top 5 brand i would recommend if you want to buy online, there is many brands out there and i am open to try them all if there is any you would love me to check out let me know in the comment section and i ll be happy to review them, see you in another blog xoxo !