As we are close to valentine’s day let’s first celebrate galantine’s day in style.
If you are single like me, don’t be sad that it is another year without a valentine cause this year we are celebrating ourselves WOMEN in general on Galantine’s day.
Some of you are wondering if galantine’s day is even a thing, well it is and in this blog post I am going to share with you 5 ways to make your day memorable and give you the tea about the origin of galantine’s day.
LET’ S GO !!!
Galantine’s day is celebrated on February 13th one day before Valentine’s Day.
It was created by Leslie Knope in a 2010 episode of ” PARKS AND RECREATION”.
It is the day to celebrate love that you have for your lady friends whether you are single or not. It is the day to meet up with your girlfriends and shower them with love.
I think we even deserve more days like this in the year. Like a galantine’s day every month because we real deserve this day I mean Women we are the real MVP !!!
As we are here galantine’s day is not an anti-valentine’s day some people misinterpret it instead it is the day when friends( women) come together and celebrate each other no matter their relationship status.
If you are looking for ideas/ ways on how to make galantine’s day special for you and your friends I got you covered.
The ideas I will share with you are very simple and easy to plan during a short period because I was late coming with a blog post.
So I tried to come up with something easy and fun at the same time that can help you plan a galantine’s day plan really quick.

The first thing you can do with your girls on this special day it is to go for spa and massage. If you are looking for a calm and relaxing activity for you and your girls this is the first option.
If you are in Kigali and looking for where to host your spa day with your girls you can check out Saraya Spa at MARRIOTT HOTEL one of the best spa In Kigali.
You can also check lespa at Kacyiru you can visit their website here, for prices and their services.
Those are one of my top choices in Kigali.
Another way to spend your galantine’s day with your girls, it is to have a clothing swap party.
What is a clothing swap party ?

Well a clothing swap party is when you plan a small party with your girls where everyone can bring items from their wardrobes that they no longer want to wear or they want to simply give away and swap them for something new.
Does it sound like something for you and your friends ? If yes go for it . Tt is something that doesn’t require a lot of preparation.
All you have to do is to have some food , drinks and invite your friends to come over with their items to swap.
If you are in a warm climate you can go for a road trip, a simple get away with your girls and go to the beach far away from everything.

This one of my favorite thing to do , go on a beach with your girls, have some drinks , sunglasses and a camera lol
There is no better way to unwind and catch up than this .
My suggestion for a beach day if you are in Rwanda is to go to Kibuye , this is one of the places I want to visit this year and yes it is the best for a girl trip.
You can also go to Gisenyi but i think it is better when it is for a weekend get away.
Girls love shopping that’s a FENDI FACT !
Want to spend the day with your girl in a dynamic way? well plan for a shopping session.
Go shopping, get some nice outfits and at the end of the day grab some coffee together and talk about life.
You can check my blog about 5-easy-shopping-tips-you-need-to-know if you want to have a money and time saving experience with your girls.
Last but not least is a karaoke party. A fun way to celebrate galantine’s day.
Go out with your girls and spend the night singing to your favorite songs , dancing and enjoying every little moment.
If you want a more private session you can host a karaoke party at your home and invite your good friends and have fun.
That are one of the ways you can spend the galantine’s day with your girlfriends.
Was this blog post helpful ? Let me know in the comment section xoxo.