If you have been searching for an easiest and real way to grow your hair , rice water is the key to hair growth.
This tip i am going to share with you it’s something i have used and still use and i know it works.
“BUT IT IS ALSO A PROCESS ” it is not something that happens over night it requires time and patience.
If it’s your first time hearing about using rice water for hair growth. let me assure you that this trick works.
Keep reading to learn more about the use of water from the rice.

I started using this method when i saw it on you tube and all the amazing results it brought and i felt like trying it.
I have been using it since the beginning of this month (July) and it is working, my hair looks more shinny and smooth.
In 2018 i had a simple hair cut and since then my hair stopped growing.
I was frustrated and struggling trying to find a way to grow it back again.
So one day scrolling on youtube i found this video from Bianca you can click here and watch it.
That it is how i knew about the rice water and its effects.
It is very simple and quick to prepare and you can start seeing the results in 2 weeks of using it.

I have applied it for 3 times now and i am planning to continue using it as a spray while i have my braids.
Without delaying let me share with you how to prepare it, its benefits, and how to use it.
Before we continue here i also linked up some products i use for my hair normally, if you want to get some click through baby girl.
I have seen tons of video on how to prepare this on YouTube and they are all say that it is effective.
So i am going to share with you how i prepare it , if you know any other way feel free to share with me in the comment section.
All you need is 1 cup of rice and 2 or 3 cup of water . THAT S IT !!!
Simple right ?
- Take 1 cup of rice rinse it first to remove any impurities that may be in the rice.
- Put the rice in a bowl which is clean very clean
- add 2 or 3 cup of water make sure that you cover up the rice
- Cover it up and put it in a dark place far from the sun for 24 hours ( 1 day) and then use it.
That it is how i prepare my rice water.
I have seen different videos where they even used boiled water.
You can check on You-tube and see what works for you the best or what you prefer.
An important thing to know is that the rice water may have an unpleasant smell when you leave it for 24 hours.
But it doesn’t stop it from being effective keep it in mind.
It is believed to have a lot of benefits for your hair and skin also ( but never tried for the skin part).
I also recently shared tips on how to improve your skin health the link is here.
The rice water contains vitamins and minerals that helps in hair growth.
Which includes amino acids, vitamin B, E, different antioxidants and minerals.
- It detangles hair
- Makes the hair smooth
- Helps the hair grow long
- Makes the hair look shinny and strong
If you have natural curly hair please stop here let me introduce to one of the best hair product, click down here to get yours
You can use the rice water after washing your hair as a conditioner or you can use it as a spray for your hair when you have braids or not .
How i use it :
- I wash my hair with shampoo
- rinse it
- apply the rice water on my scalp and at the hair ends. I make sure that i pour the rice water everywhere.
- i massage my scalp with rice water.
- leave the rice water on for 30 minutes.
- remove it after using warm water.
- Done
Now that i have my braids i think i will use it as a spray and see if it works.
That is all: so simple and effective,
Remember to know that it is progress make sure to document each and every time you apply the water rice.
Take pictures, take measure do everything possible to document the progress.
That it is all i had to share about the water rice, which method do you use to grow your hair ?
Was this helpful share with me your views in the comment sections.