Let’s talk about body positivity , shall we? In this social media generation it is so hard to love your whole self when the world is telling you how you need to be in order to fit in.
I am a big advocate of self love cause i strongly believe that we are all beautiful in our own bodies, if you have been following me for a while you know that i struggled with body shamming, bullying in the past due to the fact i was so skinny, i worked so hard ( still working on it ) to be confident and love myself. Even though I loved my tiny self I always wanted to gain weight ( if you follow me on Instagram you know how much I tried) not because I didn’t love myself or wanted to fit in a given category but because I loved myself so much and I wanted to improve and feel so much better in my body in few words i wanted an UPGRADE and there is nothing wrong with that.
We are created to explore , try and improve , if you feel like you want to change something please do.
After all the trials i finally gained weight in November 2021, i will soon share with you the process on my YouTube channel make sure you stay tuned and subscribe. I was so happy so excited and motivated when I reached my goal and m still going for it, we are not giving up in 2022.
Through this whole process i learned and i m still learning, one thing I noticed is that people always have something to say. With all the changes my body was going through and people’s negative comments ( like you are becoming too fat you need to stop etc.. ) I started loosing my confidence. I started feeling the pressure to fit in one category or any other , I started wanting more and more, questioning myself and i lost myself.
I never knew that something I desired my whole life who lead me to self doubt, after building my self love I started finding so hard to love myself again with my new body.
But as a positive person I am I don’t allow myself to dwell in negativity for so long so I started working on myself love again and here are the 3 things that helped me love myself again.

When i started gaining weight it was super amazing till my clothes couldn’t fit anymore and you know what I started doing ? I started having fear and asking myself : what if it never stop ? what if I have to buy new clothes ? Will I still be beautiful with this new body? As time went by I started fearing the thing that I always wanted. To be honest I am scared of any change that is one thing I talked about in my self sabotage blog , I am scared of change .
In the midst of all the change one day I was reading my old journals I saw all the meal plans and goals I used to set to have my dream body and I realized that I was living my answered prayer and I decided to shift the focus, instead of fear let me embrace the change.
Instead of planning what is next let me enjoy being in the moment, I started embracing my new body , I missed my flat tummy but i also need to explore my new one. When I started having this mindset the fear and the self hate disappeared.
PRO ADVICE: If your body is going through changes stop hating on it , the more you hate on yourself the more you attract that change and negative energy, instead embrace it and take things one step at time , we don’t always have things figured sometimes the best thing to do is to slow down and enjoy the ride.
People always have something to say no matter which body type you have , they will always talk. When I used to be so skinny people would say :” girl why don’t you eat? You need to do something about your weight ? Are you sick? They always had something negative to say.
When i started gaining weight the same people that lectured about how I should gain weight were the one to ask me why I was gaining so much weight. I started receiving comments like I loved when you were skinny or stop right there if you gain too much weight you will no longer be attractive, imagine people that used to compliment me about my weight back then also told me you look better than before like thank God you gained weight but they also used to hype me up when i was 43 kg .
That is when i realized that people are never satisfied so never change for anybody. If you ever plan to gain or loose weight do it for you not for people cause they will always have something negative to say , so do you.
PRO ADVICE : listen to your heart no matter the decision you are going to make in life make sure you do it for you not for anybody. As I said in the intro of the blog go through change because you want to improve and become better not to please people.

As i love to say we only live once so make sure you live it right, hating yourself doesn’t make you a better person so love yourself , for your own well being.
Change is inevitable ,one way or another your body will change, as we grow our body grow as well ( we age and all)so learn to love yourself in each stage of your life. No matter what you going through make sure that self love is a priority. Never put anything else before your self love, never put society acceptance on top cause people are never satisfied.
Love your body embrace it , treat it good and let it change , there is no perfect body we are all beautiful when we accept who we are and the body we are in.
I loved myself when I was 43 kg and now I love myself even more when I am 53 kg, I am embracing every aspect of my body, I m allowing my body to change each and everyday , i am taking everything that life brings with love and by the way I am open to more change that is why I started working out consistently. The change encouraged me to keep going and never stop dreaming and trying.
Stepping out of your comfort zone is not weakness instead it is a sign of bravery. Whenever you go for change also remember that anything can happen so have an open mind to accept whatever comes with positivity. Everything is going to be alright you have got this.
Was this blog helpful ? Let me know in the comment section , see you next time xoxo.