Feminine hygiene every girl should know

Dear Besties, I know it’s been a while since I wrote something and I am trying to make a major come back but it has been hard since I have a lot on my plate. But today I was like let’s talk about Feminine hygiene tips shall we?

As I grow older, I realize that hygiene is essential and says a lot about who you are as a person. As our bodies grow and change, we need to tune in more with our hygiene, not only for the aesthetic but for our own health in general. So here are my four simple feminine hygiene tips every girl should know and start practicing right now.


I won’t stop shouting about showering twice a day, I still don’t understand how you can come home with all the sweat and go straight to bed. As a lady, it is crucial to shower twice daily and refresh throughout the day, especially after using the bathroom. When refreshing you can use non-scented wipes or simply water, when I started doing this more often not only it make me feel fresh and clean but it also boosted my confidence throughout the day. Watch my simple shower routine here.

Pro tip: Always have travel-size wipes in your bag to make it easier for you to refresh throughout the day. You can get them at any store in Kigali.


Body odors can be due to abnormal vaginal discharge which is why it is very crucial to know your vaginal discharge the normal, abnormal and get treatment as soon as possible.

I came to learn and understand about my vaginal discharge changes when I started using Flo to tract my menses, this app saved my life and I would highly recommend it. It provides more information about vaginal discharge, how to track them, different types, and what they mean, so make sure you get the app here for a starter guide.


Another important hygienic tip for all my ladies out here is wearing your deodorants, block that sweat in before you start the day. This is a very common hygienic rule every girl should live by, not only it block the sweat but also makes you feel confident throughout the day when you are not worried to sweat and smell bad.

Here are some of the amazing deodorants that I would highly recommend:

Dove deodorant: https://amzn.to/3NCBQKp

Old Spice deodorant: https://amzn.to/4gZ7lvi


I will not finish a feminine hygiene blog without talking about perfume. Perfumes save the day, on top of your deodorant wear a scent that suits you. This is the additional and last step that every girl should practice in her feminine hygiene routine. All the tips I shared above would not be relevant if you left your house with no perfume. Find the scent that aligns with your style and personality.

If you are still hesitant about which perfume to go for, check this video here for a very affordable plug for perfumes.

Those were my very simple steps to boost your feminine hygiene, they might seem like small steps but I assure you they can have a big impact on your overall presentation and confidence. Try them out consistently and I am pretty sure you will thank me.

See you in another blog, xoxo

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