Hey guys !! How are you doing ?

On Tuesday 12 march it was my birthday so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO ME !!! I am still accepting gifts by the way.

I thought i was going to share this post with you on my birthday but i was caught up in the moment and i didn t.

I am 23 years old now ( my Jordan year ) damn it !! i m getting old but i am loving it.

This last year was so amazing , full of blessings , success and also challenges but i am grateful to God that i overcame them. AMEN !!!

Today for my blog post i thought i could share with you 5 things i learned in the past years.

I had like hundred ideas to write about regarding my birthday but i thought i could start with this one.

Hope this is helpful.


The first important thing i learned in this life is that :

” if God is all you have , you have all you need.”John 14:8 .

If you put God first in everything you do then everything will be okay.

I learned to pray either in good or bad times. Because no matter what you go through you will need GOD s guidance.

If you are going through hard times PRAY so that God give you strength to overcome them.

If you are succeeding in everything and your life is in good position don t forget to PRAY.

Praise the Lord for those blessings and no matter what you go through PRAY HARD trust the process and be Thankful for what GOD blessed you with.


This is important ! cherish the moments you share with your family while you still have them.

You don t know what tomorrow holds, things can change at any time.

Don t take what you have for granted.

Be there for them when they need you , love , support and pray for them everyday.

Stop spending most of your time on the internet or working yeah it s good to work but take sometimes off to spend some quality time with your family and loved ones.

There are a lot of people that never had the chance to have a family and you have one so cherish them.


Spread positivity wherever you are.

Some people are going through hard times and they can not show it so don t be another problem in their lives instead show them love and be positive.

When i started my self love journey i decided that everyday i will be a source of positivity in someone s life. Read my story here

Because i know that a lot of people need it even if they do not show it.

They need that smile , that good morning text , that “you can make it “speech.

They need to see that someone cares so be that person to bring light in people s life.


I know this is not the first time that you hear this. but this is very important!

In these past years i learned that we are influenced most of the time by the people we hang out with.

If you are always hanging out with people with negative thoughts one day or another you will find yourself thinking like them.

When your circle does not level you up, value you or wants you to be at the top of our game , why are you with them ?

If you want to live a more healthy lifestyle choose your circle wisely.

If people always brings trouble and negative vibes in your life it is okay to walk away.

5. BE YOU ! DO YOU !

It is very hard to be yourself in this world. with social medias and trends wanting you to be who you are not.

I struggled with being myself in the last years.

I wanted to fit in the society and it was so hard for me to fit in and be me at the same time.

With self love i learned that you do not have to be another person to fit in this world.

You just have to be YOU and the right people will come to you.

No matter what yo do stay true to yourself , love yourself don t change for anybody.

That is all for today ! hope it was helpful and also feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section !!!!

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